I’m Presently Partnering With Realtors Canada-Wide!
Introducing a brand-new Home Staging service option to help your budget friendly clients properly stage & prepare their homes to sell!
I offer Virtual Owner-Occupied Home Staging Consultations where I will work remotely to coach the clients (Canada-wide) on what actions need to be taken to prepare their home. The whole package starts at just $275.
All to often clients overlook staging, but we all know how important it is to make a good first impression! Clients either don’t do enough or over do it wasting extra time and money on things that don't genuinely bring them a greater ROI. My service is incredibly affordable and will help with this!
How it works:
After reviewing pictures and doing a virtual home tour each client will get a comprehensive customized home evaluation summary (a 30+ page Pdf) for interior and exterior, broken down room by room with every recommendation. This includes floor planning and paint suggestions too if needed.
This list will give the client a focused list on what to work on. I even sort the items in order of importance, should they be on limited time or money.
To take it a step further I always encourage follow up with pictures after the recommendations have been executed where I can offer them last minute visual adjustments before taking photos and getting it formally listed!
I want to save you time by working with your budget friendly clients. If they want to DIY it, or maybe they live in an area without access to home staging services, then let's make sure the result is still amazing!
Q: Should the client or real estate agent pay for this type of service?
A: I recommend suggesting this service to your clients for their own purchase. Clients tend to show more accountability in the execution when they have invested in the service. If you explain the importance of staging and how much the typical costs are to have someone else do it, you will find most clients appreciate the value in this service and your recommendation. You may however have scenarios where you feel covering the fee yourself is better. You will know what direction is best for each individual client, so ultimately its up to you!
Let's work together!
Want to earn FREE Consultations to gift to clients?
For every 10 clients that hire me based on your referral, YOU* will earn 1 FREE consultation to gift to a future client!
*Complete the form on this page (or email me) to be added to my list of eligible Real Estate Agents participating.
As an approved participant you will then be in the know with updates to the service, if there are any changes made to this referral program or other incentives added!